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From potential Halloween costumes to speaking in tongues, this week’s batch of funny sex toys reviews will leave you laughing. And they’re all 100% real! 

Funny Sex Toy Reviews #3

Adam & Eve gets hundreds of product reviews every week. While most of them are serious, there are a few that are a little more off the cuff. We reached deep into our product review archive to share some of our favorite funny sex toy reviews.

The Accommodator
the accommodator definetly accommodates a womens needs!!!!!! i loved it so much. my husband did not mind wearing it!!!! he actually said he could put it on his forehead up side down and be a unicorn for halloween!!!!!! LOL!! great product!

The Accommodator Dildo
Pink Passion Masturbator

Pink Passion Masturbator

Good thing my husband and I are goofs. First, I had trouble getting it on his 'thing', then I got lube all over the place, and then, it flew off and bonced across the bed. We had a lot of fun though. My husband said it did feel good but it was kind of short. Maybe we're idiots and no one else will have a time like we did but it was a lot of fun.

Lucid Dreams #28 Vibrator

i bought this for my girlfriend and i to use and whoa momma!!! she was speaking in tongues from the get go. This was the best 25 bucks i've ever spent, and thats saying alot cause we have a chest full of toys!

Lucid Dreams #28 Vibrator
Mighty Mite Vibrator

Mighty Mite Vibrator
The folks at Adam & Eve must be psychic! We received this little powerhouse as a free gift recently, and it couldn't have arrived at a better time. A few years ago we got a Mighty Mite vibe with a previous order (another freebee)and my gorgeous lover used it to it's limits for those quality alone times. Everything has a lifespan and the Mighty Mite lived an impressive long and orgasmic life. So, you can only imagine how delighted we were when it was magically replaced at exactly the right time. This new vibe is slightly more streamlined than our original, but it's essentially the same and delivers bigtime.

Thunder Power Cream
I am normally pretty thick and hard when having sex, but this stuff made me like a lead pipe. Even head was harder.

Thunder Power Cream