Let's F*ck XXX Dice & Card Set
Let's F*ck XXX Dice & Card Set
people reviewed this product at 5 stars
people reviewed this product at 4 stars
people reviewed this product at 3 stars
people reviewed this product at 2 stars
people reviewed this product at 1 stars
Fun to play with lots of different ways to play
Justin - 2/22/2019
We play this game many times over
Cardgame fun - 3/23/2019
So many possibilities, so many new adventures, positions, fetishes and bonding. You came make your own game and add your own twist. (I carry mine in my purse along with a few finger size toys) Rock and Roll the game, the dice and each other. Endless possibilities and adventures. Explore one another, alone and together! ANYTIME & ANYWHERE!
carebear33 - 5/13/2021
Loads of fun!
Sex Doggy - 7/11/2020
Great game for swingers and couples.
Missbhven - 4/10/2022
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