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Designed for deep penetration, this sex position gives your partner easier access to your clit and G-Spot for additional thrills. 

Legs Up

This missionary based sex position lifts her hips - allowing for deeper penetration and making it easier for him to reach her G-Spot.

Legs Up Illustrated Sex Position

Difficulty Level
Intermediate: a moderately challenging sex position for people who want to try something new

Pros & Cons
+ Created for deep penetration
+ Makes it easier to reach her G-Spot and clit during sex
 Not recommended for people with back or neck problems

Start with her lying flat on her back with her legs lifted up. He kneels in front of her. She scoots down closer to him, resting her lower legs on his shoulders. This elevates her hips, creating the ideal angle for deep penetration and reaching her G-Spot. The closeness of the position also makes it easy for him to reach her clit or nipples for additional thrills.

Adam’s Tip: Insert a Liberator Position Aid or a few pillows under her hips to provide additional support.

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