Sex Toys 101: Beginner Guides

Did you know that certain types of lubes can damage sex toys and vibrators? Using the wrong sex lube isn’t quite as bad as crossing the streams, but it could still ruin your favorite sex toy. Learn which lubes and sex toys are compatible and which aren’t to avoid making a costly mistake.

Storing sex toys isn’t quite as simple as throwing them under your bed or hiding them in your sock drawer. You can damage your sex toys if you don’t store them safely and carefully. Learn all you need to know about storing sex toys so you can enjoy yours for many nights to come.

It takes more than an occasional rinsing to clean sex toys. Different types of materials require different cleaning methods. And you could easily ruin your favorite sex toy if you use the wrong method. Learn how to clean your sex toys properly, and they’ll take even better care of you!

Don’t settle for good sex when you could be having great sex! Sex toys help take your pleasure to the next level, expand your sexual horizons and might even save your relationship. Learn more about what sex toys can do for you and why there’s nothing wrong with trying them.

Size matters a lot… at least when it comes to sex toys and vibrators. You can spend a ton of money on a vibrator that does everything but cook you breakfast the next morning. But if it doesn’t fit right, then you’ll never really enjoy it. This sex toy buyers guide walks you through everything you need to know about a vibrator or toy that fits you just right.
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