Wicked Masturbation Creme
Wicked Masturbation Creme
people reviewed this product at 5 stars
people reviewed this product at 4 stars
people reviewed this product at 3 stars
people reviewed this product at 2 stars
people reviewed this product at 1 stars
Pros: Best masturbation product made! Stays slick and never gets sticky. Works as a moisturizer too. Stroking myself or having my wife do it has never felt better. Would recommend this to anyone looking for something that stays slick for a masturbation session. Cons: Wish it was offered in a bigger bottle.
Anonymous - 5/16/2017
I used this on my BF and he was in instant erotic delight! He just loves this stuff! Makes him seriously hard & horny.....I love it!!
Showgirl - 9/4/2013
This is the best thing to happen to my relationship with my manhood and my hand since they met! The cream starts heavy and thick, more so then any lotion, but after use for a few minutes it becomes the best and most sensational masturbation aid ever. The coconut oil used and the overall mix feels great and creates a well lubricated yet great amount of friction anyone would want.
Brodie - 12/21/2013
A dime size works great and if you pre-cum any this stuff is awesome and when finished cleans up easy and leaves no stickiness after clean up!
hottucfstud4u2c - 1/7/2018
Pros: It's the best ever! Can't imagine doing it with lotion ever again! Cons: Nothing
TREVAN - 5/13/2017
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