Open For Business Crotchless Panty
Open For Business Crotchless Panty
people reviewed this product at 5 stars
people reviewed this product at 4 stars
people reviewed this product at 3 stars
people reviewed this product at 2 stars
people reviewed this product at 1 stars
Who says sexy panties are just for tiny women? These panties look fantastic on women with a little extra junk in the trunk and also have a surprising amount of lower stomach coverage. The fit is amazing!
Anonymous - 4/23/2013
The panties are really soft which was a great surprise. They felt great against my skin and the slits in the bottom made me extra excited as I walked around in them. Would really recommend this pair and will probably buy them in blue. FYI hand wash only.
Anonymous - 7/6/2012
wow! i got these for my girl and boy are they awesome... she already has a wonderful behind, but these framed them excellently. she wore them with a skirt when we were out the other night, definitely made our car-quickie much easier... GREAT BUY
Anonymous - 7/12/2012
They fit nicely and work great with the clit clamp. Wife loves wearing them around the house while doing other things before doing me.
Mr. Johnson - 5/10/2012
My wife loves them she looks great. A great gift for christmas or just because
Anonymous - 10/15/2011
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