Penis Pump Accessories

Every sex toy includes a number of bells and whistles – those little extra features that make the sex toy easier to use or more fun – and penis pumps are no exception. Here are some of the special features found on penis pumps for you to keep in mind while shopping.

Pressure Release Button

A must-have safety feature, the pressure release button breaks the vacuum seal and lets you remove the penis pump quickly and easily when you’re finished or in case of problems. You should never buy a penis pump that doesn’t have a pressure release button.

Clear & Rigid Tube

Watching your penis grow larger and larger is emotionally satisfying and an important safety feature. A clear tube lets you easily note any significant discoloration or effect of the penis pump on your cock so you can stop before the problem worsens. While you’re at it, you should also be sure that the tube of the penis pump is hard and rigid. While soft and flexible tubes might be more comfortable, they also bend and distort under pressure and are thus less effective than rigid penis pump tubes.

A Ruler

Usually built into the penis pump’s tube, a ruler lets you measure your progress quickly and accurately without making you fumble around with a measuring tape. Just slide your cock inside the clear tube and use the notches on the side of the penis pump to measure the size of your cock before you start pumping. And measure again once you’re finished using the penis pump to see just how effective your pumping sessions are. If you keep track of the penis pump data, you can even compare weeks or months of hard work to see just how much you’ve gained in size. A ruler is a good feature for your penis pump to have.

Jelly, Rubber and Silicone Sleeves

Sleeves made from some soft and flexible material are used to line the opening of some penis pumps. The sleeves make the pumps more comfortable to use by providing a soft cushion between your crotch and the hard plastic tube. The sleeves also help you generate a tighter seal to make your pumping more effective. Jelly sleeves are another good feature for penis pumps.

Cock Rings

While not often included with penis pumps, you should always use a cock ring if you plan on having sex after pumping. As soon you release the pressure, your cock will start shrinking back to its regular size. The cock ring will help preserve your new and improved stature so your partner can fully appreciate your hard work with the penis pump.

Pressure Gauge

This tool lets you measure just how much suction your penis pump is actually generating. Penis pumps use different measurements based on where they’re made. American penis pumps might measure pounds per square inch, while European pumps use atmospheric levels. Although fun to use, the pressure gauge is really more of a novelty feature than a must have for your penis pump.